123 is really Kathy’s little baby. I am just along for the ride of this big adventure. So, all writing credits should be given to my friend, Kathy Kesner.
Here, I will catch a glimpse or two or three of this 123 book from The Land And Sea series.
Let’s get started, Ready. . . 123:)
Little Miss One is having some fun
Bouncing 1 ball outside in the sun
She’ll watch it bounce up, she’ll watch it bounce down
With a smile on her face – never a frown.
Here we have Two who like things in pairs
Like pant legs and shoes and the arms of a chair
The seats on the seesaw he rides at the park
The things God told Noah to put in the ark.
Look at Miss Three sitting under a tree
She’s counting her kittens: One, Two, and Three
They frolic and play in the grass and the flowers
First hide and then seek – they do it for hours.
* * * * * * * * * * *
123 From Land And Sea is available in paperbacks and ebooks:
Amazon | Createspace E-store
Kindle | Nook | Kobo | iBooks | Google Play | Smashwords
And here’s a book trailer you can watch. Hope you enjoy it!
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