This picture book is inspired by the famous poem: The Rainbow Bridge (since the identity of the author is ‘undecided’, I’ll use the phrase: Author Unknown
To those who know me and Kathy, this comes as no surprise as to why the beautiful poem inspired us to write this new book. We both lost our best friends and they are deeply missed and loved.
Finding The Rainbow On Land And Sea started when Lane and Shelby wake up one morning to find the rainbow is missing… And off they go on an adventurous journey to find the rainbow. They search all over the land and sea and find one color at a time. Finally, they find all seven colors and the rainbow is whole again.
Children and adults will enjoy a full page of colorful pictures that will sure to touch your heart.
This book is now available :
In Print
Amazon | Createspace
In Ebook:
Kindle | Nook | Kobo | iBooks | Google Play | Smashwords
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Here, I will give you a short preview of what the cover and the two stars. Yes, they are none other than our dearest Lane & Shelby.
This is my dearest Lane
This is Kathy’s beautiful Shelby
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Here are some preview of the pictures in random order:
At the end of a beautiful day
Lane and Shelby lie down in their usual way.
That night Lane and Shelby have the same dream
Of meadows and hills and a clear blue stream.
We see a red wagon on top of that mound.
Let’s pull it along ’til the rainbow is found.
There in the garden, something orange and round.
Look at the pumpkins all over the ground.
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If you are interested, here are some info of our progress (step-by-step creation of this book) :
*** December 20, 2011: This book is at its final stage. Hopefully it will be published in the middle of January or early February, 2012. Keeping fingers crossed 🙂
*** February 21, 2012: Working on the cover and making some adjustments. Books should be available early March. Will share some of the pages soon.
*** March 5, 2012: Planning to make this book available this spring. Just a few more weeks.
*** March 14, 2012: Final edits by both me and Kathy and the story will be sent for review to Createspace. Fingers crossed.
*** March 16, 2012: Downloaded file to Createspace and so far no faults are found… Now, waiting for real review and if all’s good, will order proofs:)
*** March 17, 2012: Resizing pictures for ebook. Burning midnight oil:) It feels great to be back in the groove;) Maybe, just maybe I can publish the book in both print and ebook formats at the same time. Wishful thinking… but nothing wrong with that, right?
Finish resizing pictures and converting to ebook formats. Sent to Smashwords for review. Fingers crossed:) Now can call it a night:) Tomorrow, begin Kindle version for Amazon. Busy, Busy:)
*** March 18, 2012 : Ebook sent to Kindle. Under review… But book is NOW available at just in time for my good friend’s birthday:) Happy birthday, Margarita!
*** March 22, 2012: Review’s done. Happy with the digital proof. But I have to own the proof;) So, ordered proofs from Createspace and should arrive by March 30. So, it’s safe to say the books will be ready by Easter 🙂 What a good day to enjoy the Rainbow:)
*** March 26, 2012: Received Proofs… We are very happy with the pictures, but the fonts and sizes are still not good enough for us. So, made some minor adjustments and sent manuscript for another digital review.
*** March 27, 2012: Happy Birthday, Little Sister. We reviewed our digital proofs and are happy with everything except one:) Made changes and tomorrow, if all things are ‘great’, it will be for all to enjoy!
*** March 30, 2012: Final Digital Proof… Kathy & I are very satisfied with the result. Finding The Rainbow On Land And Sea will be out today:) Just in time for April Fool’s day:) And now, this is NOT a joke:) Once again, Thank You for your support.
Thank you for the support and come back again to check the status of this fun-filled writing project.
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